Music Ministries

 We are bound by a love of singing and church music, by the opportunity to offer our prayers and praises through music, and by the pleasure of companionship, good humor, and support for each other.  

Contact Us

Robert McCaffery-Lent

Director of Music Ministry

Email: [email protected]


Cantors proclaim the word of God by singing the psalms at liturgy.

Serve as psalmists and animate the community in their special role as leader of song and may serve at funerals and weddings.

A variety of instrumentalists support the singing of the assembly.

Music ministers rehearse for an hour before each liturgy and have additional rehearsals for Christmas, Triduum, and special liturgies.

Contact: Robert McCaffery-Lent, Director of Music Ministry

Email: [email protected]


These are students and adult musicians who play strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, guitars, piano, and other instruments who accompany singing at the weekend liturgies, and provide special music at the Christmas Eve Mass, Easter Sunday Mass, and at other special liturgies or events as needed.

The orchestra is open to all players who can read music reasonably well. Students who play in ensembles in school, and adults who maintain an instrument as a hobby (or play professionally) are welcome. 


*Players should have at least two years of significant experience studying their instrument. *


To schedule an audition or to find out more information about sharing your musical talents:

Contact: Robert McCaffery-Lent, Director of Music Ministry

Email: [email protected]


Is comprised of dedicated singers who rehearse together most Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM and sing for the 9:30 AM liturgy on Sundays from September to June, plus special liturgies.  



The Saturday 5 pm mass is served by a rotating schedule of ensembles which include a cantor, a pianist, and additional instruments.


A variety of instrumentalists support the singing of the assembly.


Music ministers rehearse for an hour before each liturgy and have additional rehearsals for Christmas, Triduum, and special liturgies.


To schedule an audition:


Contact the Director of Music Ministry: Robert McCaffery-Lent  

Email: [email protected]

Volunteers Needed

St. Leo operates on the generosity of our loving community.