Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to be both a consultant to the pastor and his staff in their ministry, and a voice of discernment, focus, and direction for the parish at large.


The Pastoral Council assumes the responsibility for assuring the implementation of all annual and long-range strategic plans.


 The council listens to the Holy Spirit speaking through our parish by various forms of communication, including reports from commissions, program evaluations, staff presentations, and individual concerns brought forward.


Terms for the Pastoral Council members are staggered three-year terms.


Pastoral Council members are selected by a parish vote and/or appointment by the pastor.

  • Sr. Pat Michalek, Chair
  • Heather Paez
  • Vern Harkins
  • Sarah Templin
  • Emily Noelle Sanchez-Ignacio
  • Tom Trunk
  • Cyra Benedict
  • Eugena Buena-Douglas
  • Mike Bianchi
  • Allison Scanlon

Finance Council

The Finance Council is responsible for advising the pastor on fiscal matters, including preparation and monitoring of the parish budget to support the mission of the parish. Our current members are:

  • Fr. Michael Radermacher, Pastor
  • Kathleen Ditcharo, Chair
  • Pat Keely
  • Tanya Pemberton
  • Keith Kragelund